Thinking about the “End Times”

In every generation, there is talk about the “end times”, but especially when global issues intensify. The Bible has much to say about the “last days”, the “signs of the times”, and how we should live during times of pressure. Kevin Conner has written a number of books related to these topics. Today we will highlight a few of them:

1 & 2 Thessalonians – a Commentary

Paul’s letters to the church he founded at Thessonalica are some of the earliest writings of the New Testament. These letters were written to a congregation for whom Paul had a deep affection and in which no major problems had arisen, at least in contrast to what we find in the churches of Corinth and Galatia. One of the questions asked by the church at Thessalonica was about those who had died and the return of Jesus. Because of this, these letters are sometimes referred to as ‘The Second Coming Epistles’. 

This book is available as an immediate PDF download from the website SHOP or from Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats. Visit your regional Amazon website to order, whether that be Australia, the USA, the United KingdomIndiaBrazil, or Canada.

Be sure to listen to Kevin Conner’s 15-part teaching series on this subject on his FREE podcast (released in April 2021) and a FREE 5-part online video course entitled ‘Welcome to the End‘.

The Book of Revelation – An Exposition.

This book is Kevin Conner’s ‘masterpiece’ and is the culmination of a lifetime of study in the Scriptures. An epic, verse-by-verse study, this 667-page exposition will keep the reader intrigued and engaged for months and years to come.

Available in hardback format from WORD in Australia, as an immediate PDF download from the shop, or in paperback or eBook format from Amazon in your region.

Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Principles for Understanding End Times Events

This important book describes the fundamental principles for unlocking the mysteries of the Book of Revelation. Not an exposition in itself, the text purposely avoids eschatological controversy by focussing on teaching the reader how to apply proper hermeneutical principles. Because hermeneutics is both a science of knowing the rules and an art of application, the reader is given relevant principles of interpretation and then challenged to accurately apply them. Self-study assignments are provided to assist in this learning process.

Available for purchase in paperback format from WORD in Australia or City Christian Publishing in the USA, as an immediate PDF download from the shop, or in eBook format via Amazon.

The Christian Millennium: Studies in Eschatological Millennial Views

For the serious student of end-time events, and the varying views of millennialism, Kevin Conner has provided an alternative view on a number of points of controversy. Most students of biblical prophecy will have heard of post-millennial, a-millennial, and historic pre-millennial schools of thought, along with futurist and dispensationalist pre-millennarians. But in ‘Christian Millennialism’ Kevin presents an alternative view for the reader’s consideration.

Available for purchase in paperback format from WORD in Australia, as an immediate PDF download from the shop, or in eBook format via Amazon.

The Seventy Weeks Prophecy – An Exposition of Daniel 9.

This unique book is an exposition of Daniel 9, which is one of the most marvelous and amazing prophecies of all Bible prophecies. This prophecy is like a seed prophecy, and each of its clauses, when watered by the Spirit and Word of God is like a tree in itself, rich in blossoms of truth

Available for purchase in paperback format from WORD in Australia, as an immediate PDF download from the shop, or in eBook format via Amazon.

Eternity – Where Will You Spend It?

The Bible tells us that our “times are in His hands” (Psalm 31:15). All of us know that we must enter eternity, but the issue is, “Where will we spend eternity?” Either with the Lord or lost forever. We make our decisions in TIME and that determines where we spend ETERNITY. Read this booklet, be challenged, and make your decision to live for the Lord Jesus Christ.

This book is available as an immediate PDF download from the SHOP or from Amazon (in your region) in paperback and eBook formats.

2 thoughts on “Thinking about the “End Times””

  1. kevin did an excellent study on tape in the 1980’s on 2nd Thessalonians. I lost the tapes. I would like to know if they are still available. The teaching was done at Portland Bible College.

    1. Nice to hear from you, Brian. Yes, we have an audio series of Kevin’s teaching on ‘The Second Coming Epistles’. We will release it on his free podcast this year sometime. Right now, a series called ‘Apocayptpic Events’ is being released, one session per week, which you might enjoy. Thanks

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