Great Themes of the Bible by W.W. Patterson

W.W. Patterson was one of Kevin Conner’s mentors. Over a number of years, Kevin had the great pleasure of personally knowing and fellowshipping with Brother Patterson. Kevin writes this:

“Many were the hours we spent in discussion of God’s inexhaustible Book – the Bible. He was a man of the Word and spent his life in studying and discovering the never ending treasures therein. One of the ‘Master-Keys’ which Brother Patterson had (with others in the Bethel Fellowship) was that of ‘General Bible Themes’ – themes of Divine revelation that began in Genesis and flowed on through the books of the Bible into the Book of Revelation. There are numerous subjects in W.W. Patterson’s studies, which any serious student, preacher and teacher of the Word may pass on to others, many of which I have taught over the years.”

W.W. Patterson’s book Great Themes of the Bible is now available as a PDF download from the Shop.