When Kevin Conner was alive, one of the things he loved to do was answer questions. Of course, because of his decades of extensive study of the Bible and Christian themes, people with questions were always around. In fact, for many years, Kevin visited the small groups in his local church one by one spending the evening answering the myriad of questions asked on a wide variety of topics.
As a result of this, in 2018, Kevin put together a book with answers to the most frequently asked questions he received. In this book, he addresses the main questions that he has been asked over 50 years of church leadership and ministry. Topics include heaven, hell, theology, Scripture, marriage, sexuality, ethics, baptism, end times, the Holy Spirit, prayer, predestination, satan and demons, sickness and healing, sin, the Trinity, creation, and more. This is an excellent resource for Christians and church ministers alike.
This title is available from Amazon in paperback or eBook formats (visit Amazon in your region).
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One of the most exciting books I purchased 20 years ago titled “The Tabernacle of Moses.” The book has been a very close friend to me. I would have loved to have met Kevin to thank him for the book. I know that I will see him when I go home to be with Jesus, our eternal Lord.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. the Lord turn His face toward you and give you His peace”. Amen. Love Ronald Blythman.
I have read many books by Kevin Conner. Tabernacle of Moses, tab of David, Revaluation an exposition of. Seventy week prophecy, and many more. I first started reading his books in 1984. So blessed to have read his books. I learned of his books by my pastor Esther Mallet whose restoration church opened my eyes to further truth. I had been in Assembly of God church for many years. I am so blessed to have found a restoration church. Many years I was a pre tribes. I have one question to ask. I was reading in Rev. about people in the outer court be trodden under in the outer court. I thought of another verse that said those who have lost the savour of salt would be cast out and trodden under. Could these verses be tied together. Thank you. Brian Tyerman