This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day so a big shout out to all the mums out there! We appreciate you, not only for what you do but for who you are.
Our thoughts are also with those who maybe wanted to be a mum but that hasn’t become a reality, as well as those who never knew their mum, didn’t have a good relationship with their mother, or whose mum has passed away.
As an orphan, Kevin Conner never knew his mother or father growing up but was thankful for many spiritual mothers who cared for and spoke into his life. You can read about his life in his best-selling auto-biography, This is My Story: With Lessons Along the Way.
Kevin also wrote a few books specifically about women. We want to profile them today.
The Ministry of Women
The Bible has a lot to say about women and God’s purpose for them, not only in the home but also in the church and in society. This book deals with the role, function, and place of women in church life. It includes both men and women functioning together as partners in the Body of Christ, God’s redeemed and functioning community on earth.
Available from WORD Australia and from Amazon in paperback or eBook formats, as well as an immediate PDF download from the shop.
Are Women Elders Biblical?
This booklet was initially written as a research paper on the topic of women in Eldership when Kevin J. Conner was an Elder of Waverley Christian Fellowship (now CityLife Church) in Melbourne, Australia. In it, the author takes an in-depth look at the biblical material and makes practical recommendations for the local church today.
Buy now from WORD Australia or from Amazon in the USA in either paperback or eBook formats and as an immediate PDF download from the shop.
SPECIAL: This is My Story, The Ministry of Women, and Are Women Elders Biblical are available as an immediate PDF download from the SHOP and are 50% off for the months of May and June 2023.