We live in a time where good leadership is needed more than ever. The leaders of the ancient tribe of Isaacher were described as people “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). Understanding the times is having prophetic insight into the current environment and culture, as well as what God is up to, so as to be able to provide wise and faith-filled guidance for others.
Kevin Conner has done extensive character studies on all of ancient Israel’s kings as recorded in the Old Testament. This has revealed a vast amount of insight and lessons about how to live and lead well. On Kevin’s podcast, there is now a free 11-part series of teaching on “Israel’s Kings” for your enjoyment and learning. Visit your preferred podcast provider or APP (Apple, Podbean or Spotify) and search for “Kevin Conner Teaches”. Or simpy visit Kevin’s Podbean site to listen online or download the audios.

For more extensive material on Israel’s Kings, purchase Kevin’s book “The Kings of the Kingdom” available from:
- WORD Books in Australia (same content but older cover).
- Amazon in eBook format.
- Kevin’s web site in PDF format, which you can read on your own computer or device(s), or print out a copy for your own use.