Welcome to 2021!
I am sure we are all glad to have put 2020 behind us, with all its many challenges. It truly was a year of incredible disruption, with a global pandemic, racial tensions, and political upheaval creating much anxiety and fear. Thankfully, God is in control and at work, even in the midst of chaos and difficulty. Crisis presents both danger and opportunity.
As we begin this new year, it is good to remind ourselves that God’s desire is that we live a life of progress (1 Timothy 4:12-15). Each day is an opportunity to grow and to change, and to make our world a better place through acts of love and kindness. Like Jesus, may we always be ‘doing good’ wherever we are (Acts 10:38).
Personal growth doesn’t just happen. It has to be intentional and is the result of a commitment to taking steps to develop our God-given potential. Sadly, many people spend more time thinking about their holidays than their life! [You can listen to a recent 20-minute message I gave on ‘How to Develop a Personal Growth Plan‘ on my podcast channel]
Here on Kevin Conner’s web site, we are committed to continuing to provide you with resources that will help you grow as a Christian and/or church leader. Why not think about your next step or set some goals for yourself this year? Here are a few ideas:
Devotional Bible Reading
Reading God’s Word on a daily basis is like our daily food. It helps nourish us and positions us to hear from God and gain wisdom for life. Kevin Conner has commentaries on many books of the Bible that are helpful tools for gleaning the most from your Bible reading. Here is Kevin’s current Bible commentary list: Genesis, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, The Minor Prophets, Matthew, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, Jude, and Revelation. Which books of the Bible will you read this year?
In-depth Bible Study
Kevin loved to study the Bible for himself but also took great delight in equipping others with keys to studying the inspired Scriptures. That’s why he developed the “Key of Knowledge” Seminar, which teaches methods and principles for researching the Bible and principles of interpretation. You can take this entire week-long course online at your own pace with video teaching from Kevin Conner. Course registration includes all the required textbooks (PDF downloads). Why not make it a goal to complete this seminar in 2021?
- Key of Knowledge Seminar (Part 1) – Methods and Principles of Bible Research
- Key of Knowledge Seminar (Part 2) – Interpreting the Bible
Christian Doctrine
Kevin’s best-selling book is ‘The Foundations of Christian Doctrine‘ which is a detailed overview of the major Christian doctrines as gleaned from the Scriptures. This is his masterpiece book and is foundational to so many of his other writings and teachings. Kevin taught this material many times in Bible Colleges around the world and we are pleased to have videoed one of these times. You can now take this entire course (67 lectures) online. Registration includes lifetime access to the video teachings and all the required textbooks (PDF downloads). Why not make it a goal to complete this course in 2021?
- Foundations of Christian Doctrine (Part 1)
- Foundations of Christian Doctrine (Part 2)
- Foundations of Christian Doctrine (Part 3)
- Foundations of Christian Doctrine (Part 4)
Another option is to listen to the shorter 8-part teaching series “The Foundations of Christian Doctrine” on Kevin’s podcast (started on 3rd November 2020).
End Times
Kevin had a fascination with ‘end times’ and understanding how the purposes of God are being played out in our times. He particularly loved studying the book of Revelation and other related prophetic books such as Daniel and Ezekiel. If this is an area of interest for you, you will enjoy the following resources:
- ‘Welcome to the End’ Seminar – 5 free videos you can watch online.
- “Apocalyptic Events”, 8 teaching episodes on Kevin’s podcast (September 2019).
- The Book of Revelation – An Exposition. This book is the culmination of life time of study in the Scriptures. An epic, verse by verse study, this extensive exposition will keep the reader intrigued and engaged for months and years to come.
- Interpreting the Book of Revelation. This important book describes the fundamental principles for unlocking the mysteries of the Book of Revelation. Not an exposition in itself, the text purposely avoids eschatological controversy by focussing on teaching the reader how to apply proper hermeneutical principles. Because hermeneutics is both a science of knowing the rules and an art of application, the reader is given relevant principles of interpretation, then challenged to accurately apply them. Self-study assignments are provided to assist in this learning process.
- The Christian Millennium – Studies in Eschatalogical Millennial Views. For the serious student of end-time events and the varying views of millennialism, here is an alternative view on a number of points of controversy. Most students of biblical prophecy will have heard of post-millennial, a-millennial, historic pre-millennial schools of thought, along with futurist and dispensationalist pre-millenarians. But in ‘Christian Millennialism’, Kevin Conner presents an alternative view for the reader’s consideration.
- The Book of Daniel – an Exposition. Kevin’s verse by verse commentary on the book of Daniel.
- The Seventy Weeks Prophecy – An Exposition of Daniel 9. This unique book is an exposition of Daniel 9, which is one of the most marvelous and amazing prophecies of all Bible prophecies. This prophecy is like a seed prophecy, and each of its clauses, when watered by the Spirit and Word of God is like a tree in itself, rich in blossoms of truth.
- What About Israel? In this important booklet, Kevin looks at the hot topic of ‘Israel’ and how this nation fits into God’s purposes as outlined in the Bible. Weaving together insights from both the Old and New Covenants, a much needed clear picture is presented, which is especially relevant in the midst of the current confusion about Israel, especially amongst Christians.
Whatever your passion or area of interest, may you experience much personal growth in 2021 and come to know God in a deeper and more intimate manner.
God bless.
Mark Conner
Hi I am reading and really enjoying, The Lord Jesus Christ Our Melchizedek, 2020 edition, I expect you are aware, but just in case Page 30 has a printing error, it says “El Elyon Hen 14: 18 – 22 (God Most High) I know it should be Gen 14: not Hen.
Thanks Sue. Appreciate the pick up. Will have this corrected.
I am currently undertaking The Foundations Of Christian Doctrine study book. It is amazing. Love the exhaustive biblical references. I have read several of Kevin’s books, what spiritual insight he was gifted with. His studies are always very thorough, I wonder how he had time to accomplish so much. That alone has made me more aware of how I spend my time. Looking forward to pursuing his course on Revelation once I finish this current read.
Good on you, Susan. Yes, Kevin was a very disciplined person who accomplished a lot, little by little, over many years … while still having time for his family. Enjoy your reading!
Is there any teaching by Kevin where he relates the first four chapters of Joshua with eschatalogy. Thank you.
January 23, 2021
There is nothing on the book of Joshua that Kevin has published at this stage. Sorry about that.
Having first read Kevin’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy, it was such a new and refreshing view on Daniel Ch.9 and clearly inspired by the Ruach Ha’ Kodesh. So I was led to purchase Kevin’s Exposition on Revelation after returning from Israel (buying the “last” 4 before “WORD” bookstore sadly closed down Australia wide.) Sign of the times in which we now live? Now you can’t even Sing or Dance at Church, just sit there muzzled with a face mask, to hide all the “Covid Glory”, and then record everywhere you go and who you see.
I guess this Covid is a great opportunity to read and study the Bible, as the World is “locked down” let us look toward Israel and realise the Fig Tree has already begun quickly budding amidst this Covid “distraction”.
Am reading Exposition on Revelation now, 12 years later for a second time, as there are SO many inspired “words” in it, I’m finding more revelations I didn’t pick up last time I read it. (Excitement +)
I only just found this website and discovered Kevin’s son Mark talking about his father in past tense. My heart sank when I got to the bottom of this post, after reading that Kevin had gone home peacefully, to be at the Right Hand of his Creator and Redeemer, Yeshua Ha’ Meshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I can’t explain why, but I cried so deeply for about 5 minutes, as if I had lost my own father all over again. My Spirit felt close to Kevin, yet I had never had the privilege of meeting him. I guess His 2 books that I own have given me some insight to his Personality, as his writing was so “matter of fact” and directly from His Heart. I think like King David, Kevin Connor had a Heart after the Father, Yahweh’s own Heart, and His deep Love and Respect for Yeshua’s finished work on Calvary and the Open Grave, was clearly evident in His Writing, and I’ve only read 2 of His books so far.
Psalm 90 so eloquently says:
“The days of our lives are Threescore years and Ten (70); and if by reason of strength they be Fourscore years (80), yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off and we fly away.
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our Heart’s unto Wisdom.
O satisfy us early with thy Mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Let thy work appear unto thy Servants, and thy Glory unto their Children,
And let the beauty of Yeshua our Elohim be upon us: and establish thou the Work of our Hands upon us; yea, the Work of our Hand’s, establish thou it.”
Kevin Connor had a double portion blessing of strength, with his days being ordained at Fourscore and Twelve (92).
The beauty of the Lord our God, Yeshua our Elohim, was upon Kevin and evident in the “Work of His Hand’s” which were without question, “established” by our Father, Yahweh Elohim.
Kevin’s Life work now “appears” to Christ’s servants (students) and his books continue to reveal Christ’s Glory unto all His Children.
So as Kevin Connor dedicated his fruitful life to teaching Truth in the Revelation of Yeshua’s Living Word of Knowledge and Wisdom, let us learn to number our day’s and apply our Heart’s unto the Wisdom of Christ and His Word of Truth, about His Father’s Agape Love for Us, and His Only Begotten Son.
Then as Kevin’s Psalm 90 would conclude: “He will satisfy us early with His Mercy and we will Rejoice and be Glad all our days!”
Shalom to all of Kevin Connors Family and Friends. Your loss is only temporary but Heaven’s gain is ETERNAL….
Our Love and Prayers are with Mark Conner as he carry’s onward the torch of his Father Kevin, whose book’s will take several lifetimes to “discover” in helping Christian’s Worldwide study the Bible, The Living Word of Yeshua Elohim.
Good to hear from you, Paul … we appreciate your kind words about Kevin. Yes, he is greatly missed but his life and ministry continue on through his writings and teachings. God bless you and the work you do for Him.